About Us

Your unique style cannot be matched, so you need clothing and accessories that are just as fabulous. Golden Moon Brazil has gorgeous, handmade pieces that are sure to improve your wardrobe and make you feel beautiful. You've got to stop by and check it out. You're always going to find something great and our friendly staff wants to help! Our entire inventory is filled with authentic, one-of-a-kind items that you won't be able to find in other stores. You can also custom order a piece if you have something particular in mind. Looking for something classic, embellished or high end?


It's inside our doors: Brazilian Clothing - We use hand dyed materials that are sure to impress. Brazilian Accessories - Jewelry, purses, scarves, belts and more. Photo Gallery - Check photos of what you'll see in our store today! Isn't it time you spiced things up a bit?


When you're thinking about taking your next shopping trip, be sure to stop into Golden Moon Brazil at 25900 Greenfield Road, Suite 136A, or call us at 586-292-8775.